POV: It’s sunny, you’re snacky, and Field Medic is blaring. I’m a big fan of recreating snacks you’d only think to buy at a store and not make. These were honey roasted peanuts were SO easy and a great example of that idea.

As far as Field Medic, we’re going with my favorite song of this - Powerful Love. A quick, fun song for a quick fun snack. I’m obsessed with this dude’s music, highly recommend him!
Mix together 2 cups unsalted roasted peanuts, with 2/3 cup honey, 1tsp cinnamon, a few sprinkles of salt. Roast at 325 for 40 minutes - making sure you shake & mix the peanuts every 10 mins or so, so none burn. Once they’re done, sprinkle with sugar and toss. You can store these for the week in an airtight container.